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British Values
Our approach to developing and deepening pupils’ understanding of British values
Our greatest purpose in educating our pupils is to equip them with personal responsibility, civility, courtesy, respect and above all tolerance. Our mission reaches beyond school to ensure our pupils enjoy an enriching life as valuable members of their community.
Our house system ensures that pupils feel that they belong and are valued. It develops individual character through competitions and challenges, posts of responsibility and opportunities for all to contribute. Our house assemblies celebrate success and nurture collective effort.
We develop pupils’ character through the curriculum, daily conversations, pastoral support and interventions. We guide our pupils to strive for our school virtues of Prudence, Justice, Temperance and Fortitude. These virtues inform their motivation and guides their conduct so that they reflect wisely, learn eagerly, behave with integrity and cooperate consistently well with others. This gives pupils the qualities they need to flourish in our society.
Our curriculum delivery continues to link our virtues to their learning about British values and what this means to our pupils who thrive in our school.
At Great Yarmouth Charter Academy the principle of democracy is consistently reinforced. The democratic process is employed for important decisions within the school community, for instance, elections being held for Head Pupils and House Leaders. Feedback from House Leaders and senior pupils also help to shape and further improve the school. The principle of democracy is explored in History, Religious Education and assemblies.
The Rule of Law
The importance of laws, whether they be those that govern the class, the school, or the country, are consistently reinforced throughout regular school days. These are practiced in every classroom and corridor and explored in depth in assemblies. Pupils are taught the values and reasons behind laws, firstly that they govern us and secondly they protect us. The pupils understand the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken. Visits from authorities such as the Police and Fire Service help reinforce this message. Our behaviour policy is rigorously upheld so that everyone in school recognises and understands that the rules of the school are applied fairly and consistently.
Individual liberty
Our pupils are actively encouraged to make independent choices knowing that they are in a safe, secure and supportive environment. Examples of these include selecting from our wide range of after school activities, selection options for Y10 or choices for further education. Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights, responsibilities and personal freedoms and receive advice about how to exercise these safely, for example through our exploration of the E- Safety programme.
Mutual respect
Respect is at the core of our school ethos. We promote respect for others and this is reiterated in our classrooms and throughout the school. Pupils learn that their behaviours have an effect on their own rights and those of others. Our behaviour policy exemplifies our basic belief in mutual respect. In line with our commitment to democracy, pupils are always able to voice their opinions and we foster an environment where pupils are safe to disagree with each other and to deal with conflict. Achievement is celebrated across the school in many different ways, ranging from contact home, public recognition and certificates, to postcards and awards from the staff.
Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
Pupils are encouraged to share their faith and beliefs within the school. Our curriculum teaches our pupils about different religions and non-religious belief systems.
Our Academy has adopted the Government’s policy on Radicalisation and Extremism. Safeguarding processes ensure that instances of radicalisation or extremism are referred to the Designated Safeguarding Lead.
We are committed to ensuring equality of opportunity in line with the Equality Act 2010. We value diversity, tackle discrimination, promote equality of opportunity and foster good relationships between people. We tackle issues of disadvantage and underachievement of different groups.
We reduce disadvantages, discrimination and inequalities of opportunity, and promote diversity in terms of our students, our workforce and the community in which we work.
Read our equality information and objectives statement to find out more