We want our pupils to be proud of the school while they are with us and how they look is central to showing that pride.
Our uniform is aimed at giving students a professional and purposeful outlook, reducing bullying by removing expensive branded items and giving a sense of community and belonging.
Where to buy
All uniforms should be purchased from our supplier, Harrisons which can be purchased online below or in person from their shop at 73 Southtown Road, Great Yarmouth.
Our uniform consists of:
- Black academy blazer with logo on breast pocket and House badge.
- Shirts: white plain cotton shirt, long or short sleeved
- Tie: black Academy academy tie with optional academy jumper
- Trousers: Charcoal grey academy trousers
- Skirts: Charcoal grey pleated skirt, knee length, either from Harrisons or elsewhere
- Socks / tights: plain black socks, black opaque or natural tights, no socks are to be worn over tights
- Shoes black: plain shoes, non trainer style with low or no heel
- Academy backpack available from Harrisons.
For PE, pupils should have sports trainers and the following kit:
- Red polo shirt with logo
- Black shorts or tracksuit bottoms (no cycle shorts or leggings)
- Red long sleeved academy fleece
- Trainers - no platform trainers (football boots are optional when on 4G)
When the weather gets cold pupils can wear layers under their polo shirt and fleece.
For Swimming students will need the following:
- One piece swimming costume and a towel - females
- Sensible shorts (above knee length) and a towel - males
- Plastic bag to take wet items home.
Branded jumpers and joggers
Branded items of clothing are welcome, but logos are to be small and not covering the clothing with multiple logos.
Any items of clothing with large, bright logos are not allowed. As of September 1st 2023 pupils will be changing into PE kit for their lessons.
Hair Colour
Hair colour should be a single, natural hair colour. If a pupil attends school with unnatural hair colour, parents will be contacted to reach a resolution and the student will remain in the PSU until resolved. Hair cuts should not be distracting and no patterns should be shaved into the hair. Hairstyles will be dealt with on a case by case basis.
Make up
If a pupil wears makeup to school this should be minimal and subtle. We will make judgement on this and if asked to remove makeup, Pupil’s will be given an immediate opportunity to rectify it and be given a 30 minute detention after school that day. There will be no eye makeup permitted.
Pupils can wear one small stud earring per ear and a watch (not a smart watch). If any other jewellery is seen, pupils will be asked to remove the Jewellery and a detention which will be a 20-minute uniform detention the following lunchtime. Nose piercings (covered or exposed) are not permitted regardless of size or colour. Refusal to remove a nose piercing, or any other facial piercing not stated above will result in that pupil going to Internal suspension.
Hoodies and non-uniform attire
Pupils should be wearing the correct uniform as soon as they enter the school gate. Coats should be removed before entering the school building. If a pupil is seen wearing any non-uniform attire, a 30 minute detention after school that day.
At no point are hoodies allowed to be on in school. They will keep pupils neither warm nor dry in the winter months. If they do choose to wear a hoodie to school, they will be asked to remove it at the gate and put it in their bags. If they are seen wearing it in school, the hoodie will then be confiscated and handed to the relevant AHOY. Every Friday afterschool, they will be available to be collected from reception but this will be the only day/ time they will be able to do so.
Pupils will wear their own natural nails. Clear nail polish may be worn. If a student attends school with false nails, they will be asked to remove the false nails and a detention will be issued.