Students of Great Yarmouth Charter Academy take part in healthy debate
On Wednesday 1st December, two teams of pupils from year 9 and 10 participated in the final of the Great Yarmouth Charter Academy Debate Competition.
For the final instalment of their competition, pupils from Great Yarmouth Charter Academy had been tasked with debating the question 'Should Abortion be Legalised?' and had to prepare an argument either for or against the topic. Each team dedicated many lunchtimes and after school sessions to researching and preparing their arguments and this was evident in their fantastic presentations.
The competition was fierce, and both groups battled through their nerves to deliver confident, articulate arguments in front of our guest judges, Mr Fisher, Mrs Nichols, Mr Weber and Miss Saliba. The judges commended all pupils on the quality of their public speaking and their maturity in debating such an emotive topic in a very mature and respectful manner throughout.
After much deliberation the winners were announced as Christine Barbosa, Laura Martins and Bruna Ramalho - well done all, this is a fantastic achievement.